A Look at the Upcoming Year for the Franklin Arts Academy

A Look at the Upcoming Year for the Franklin Arts Academy

Chris Baker, Writer

Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Johnson, and Franklin Arts Academy (FAA) class representatives are planning the program’s upcoming year, which is full of arts, fun, and excitement.

Fundraising is a huge part of the program.

To support the FAA, students are selling candy bars and custom t-shirts, as well as showcasing their work and completing Capstone projects.

The FAA is always hoping to grow and expand, which is especially shown by the increasing number of student members.

Among the 121 FAA students in all three grades, the sophomore class is the largest.

“We are looking for any sort of ideas/or suggestions to benefit the program,” Haley Goulet said.

Mrs. Hogan,  Mrs. Johnson, and other FAA members are always open to discuss suggestions.

For the 2016-2017 school year, FAA applications will be due on January 29, 2016.

One long-time tradition is the FAA’s annual trip to the Institute of Contemporary Arts. However, leaders are leaning toward a theater-related field trip instead.

Nikki Noorian, a senior FAA representative, remarks: “We typically would go to the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Boston, but this year we are hoping to appeal to a broader audience.”

There are some new FAA faculty members, including Mr. Bobrowski (Chemistry), Mr. Kitanosono (Physics), and Mrs. Kilbride (Anatomy).

Mr. Carmo is not new to Franklin High, but 2015 marks his first year part of FAA. Through the program, he is teaching Arts Management.

At the end of the day, the Franklin Arts Academy is a program that hopes to spread its influence all throughout Franklin High School and the community.