Have You Found Your Club?

Audrey Finn, Student Government Representative

For the past couple of weeks, a group in student government has been working on making it easier to access club information and meeting times.

Many students don’t know where to find out when their clubs meet, our goal is to address this issue through making a google document with all the information about the clubs and when they are meeting next. This document will be updated each week with all the club times and room numbers.

Another thing we are working on creating is a FHS clubs twitter account, many students use twitter for sports and some clubs. Having all club information on one account will help organize all the clubs and help student access meeting dates much easier.

Next fall, student government is organizing a Club Event after the class meetings in the beginning of the school year. Clubs will set up their stations and advertise what their group is about. Students can find clubs that interest them and learn about new ones they never knew about.