New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

Timothy Schecher, Writer

With 2019 rapidly approaching like a train going at full speed, we often find our minds racing about things to accomplish in the New Year.  How many times have we promised ourselves that we will exercise more, study harder or just be a better person?

Franklin High School is no different in its wishes for 2019.  “My New Year’s resolution this year is to spend more time with family and friends”, according to Mrs. Arnold, P.E/Health teacher.

Cam Lomberto, a student in grade nine, is setting one standard goal for himself.  “I want to study more for tests and quizzes”, he notes.

Popular resolutions can often include what we feel is a better version of ourselves.  That is exactly what Mrs. Buchanio, a Special Education teacher, wants! “I need to be healthier, exercise more and keep a healthy routine”.

Even though resolutions sometimes aren’t always perfect or completed fully, the sentiment behind them – and what you put into them – can set the stage for a great new year to come!