Senior Perks!

Class of 2022 officially has senior perks! Here is what they are, how they work and the steps you need to take before entering/leaving the building.


Senior perks sign out table

Amulya Chirravuri, Writer

Class of 2022! Senior perks are here!

What are the Senior Privileges:

If you have a directed study first period you are allowed to come in late but have to be on time for the second-period class, 8:55am, to avoid being marked tardy. Similarly, you have to wait till the end of the fourth period, 1:00pm, to leave early if you have the directed study last period. If you have fourth lunch before your last period directed study then you are allowed to leave at 12:33pm.  Any class of 2022 students leaving the campus early without the last period d-stud will be marked as skipping class and can result in a detention or worse based on their previous record.

The Procedure:

  • Coming in late (first-period d-stud):
    • In order to get into the building, you must have your school ID.
    • To check in, go to your house office (can be found on your ID).
      • **if you are late to the second period, it will be marked as a tardy**
  • Leaving early (last-period d-stud):
    • Sign out at the table located at the main office entrance
      • (the panther statue near the library)

To maintain your senior perks:

  • Should have no outstanding detention hours or credit recovery sessions.
  • Should be passing all your classes.
  • Follow the proper procedure to enter/exit the building.

Ask your house office questions you may have regarding your senior perk eligibility.

For more questions, view Mr. Hanna’s letter!