Sharing Culture… And Food

international club members

Sydney Robinson, Writer

The International Club spreads cultural awareness throughout the FHS community by using “The Classroom Index” and hosting events such as their upcoming International Cooking Event!

This year, the club is introducing a different way of discussing race and stereotypes with guidance from “The Classroom Index”. This index was created by students, for students, as an effort to spark conversations about race with stories from people all around the world. The International Club will be using these stories as the basis of their discussions at almost every meeting.

The International Club leader and FHS senior, Sophia Sabini-Leite, has been a member of the club since her freshman year. She says that the International Club is a safe place, with no hate or judgment, where students can come and feel comfortable sharing who they are and where they come from.

Sabini-Leite also states that, with everything going on in the world today surrounding politics, we need a judge-free zone to provide students freedom and safety, and the club does just that.

In addition to their weekly discussions, the club also plans fun, cultural events!

Their annual International Cooking Event will take place after school on Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Ms. Connolly’s Child Development Room. There will be a $1 entrance fee to help the International Club host more events in the future!

Everyone is welcome to join the International Club after school on Tuesdays in room 357!